The Governing Body has formulated a uniform policy.
All parents are requested to support it for the following reasons:
• Competition between pupils, about the latest fashion, is eliminated.
• The potential for bullying is reduced as all pupils are wearing similar clothing.
• When pupils are out of school on visits, they are more easily identifiable, which promotes safety.
• By eliminating peer pressure, bullying and distracting clothing, discipline is improved, both in the classroom and playground.
• Uniform instils a sense of community and pride in our school.
It is not considered reasonable to limit parents to one supplier and cost, but to accept clothing from a shop and price range of parental choice.
School polo shirts are light blue (or navy blue Year 6 only). Skirts, shorts, trousers and tights are grey. The colour of the jumper, cardigan or sweatshirt is Navy blue only (No hoodies). Black shoes/trainers are required. Clothing can be purchased with school logos from Class Apart but if purchased from elsewhere other logos, brand names or markings are considered unacceptable.
Please provide a pair of wellington boots for your child to leave in school while they are in the early years. They can also wear black joggers or leggings (no markings or logos) while they are in the nursery so that it is easier to move around and for accessing the bathroom.
In the interests of safety, earrings are not encouraged but small ear STUDS only will be permitted. Jewellery and nail polish are not appropriate for school.
Long hair must be tied back. Parents are requested to support the school in not allowing unconventional and unorthodox hair styles, dyes and colouring.